
ISSUE #5, MARCH 2011

Welcome to the fifth issue of the NTA Newsletter!

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What's New

The eighth global NTA meeting will take place during December 5-12, 2011, in Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The meeting will consist of four sections:
1) December 5-7: training sessions in Belo Horizonte (Cedeplar)
2) December 8-9: meetings in Belo Horizonte (Cedeplar)
3) December 10-11: weekend in Rio
4) December 12: Meeting in Rio

If you haven't done so yet, please fill out the online survey to indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting.

Photos: Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro (Creative Commons License)

New design for the NTA website

As many of you may have noticed, the NTA website has been redesigned. The website design is available to be used for regional websites as well.

First issue of the NTA Bulletin

The first issue of NTA’s new series of policy briefs is out. The NTA Bulletin will provide short descriptions of NTA research results for a broad policy audience. The first issue, published in January 2011, describes the project and highlights selected findings on labor income and consumption in India and Germany and on intergenerational transfers and the use of asset income in Brazil and Mexico.

This new series is being produced with support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada. We would like to thank the NTA Bulletin Editorial Advisory Committee for their help: Alexia Furnkranz-Prskawetz, Ronald D. Lee, Sang-Hyop Lee, Thomas Lindh, Andrew Mason, Tim Miller, Germano Mwabu, Naohiro Ogawa, and Adedoyin Soyibo. Everyone who attended the Honolulu meeting will be receiving a printed copy of the NTA Bulletin in the mail. The NTA Bulletin is also available on the website.

New NTA Brochure

A short brochure has also just been produced that gives a brief description of NTA goals and activities and key contact information. Again, funding was provided by IDRC. We would like to thank Pamela Jiménez Fontana, Toughedah Jacobs, Sang-Hyop Lee, Jorge Andrés Tovar Mora, and B. Piedad Urdinola for allowing us to use their photo on the cover of the brochure.

Everyone who attended the Honolulu meeting will also receive a printed copy of the brochure along with the NTA Bulletin. The NTA brochure is also available on the website.

NTA design package

There are some new items that are consistent with the new NTA look and design. Members are welcome to use the business cards, letterhead, and powerpoint template in their NTA-related work.

NTA book update

According to Edward Elgar Press the NTA book Population Aging and the Generational Economy: A Global Perspective is expected to be published in England in June/July, and in the US about two months later.

Other News...

The Costa Rican NTA team is working with the Comptroller General of Costa Rica to include an NTA-based chapter on the fiscal consequences of demographic change in the Comptroller General's annual report to Congress (due on May 1st). The goal is for legislators to take demography into account in their debates on fiscal policies.


Recent and upcoming events

Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia

The Indian National Science Academy (INSA), in collaboration with the US National Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Indonesian Academy of Sciences, and Science Council of Japan, is organizing a two-day international conference on March 14-15, 2011 at INSA, New Delhi.

The main objectives of the conference are:
1) To present the latest trends in population aging in Asia;
2) To raise awareness and inform policy associated with rapid population aging;
3) To discuss the potential for greater international scientific collaboration to address the issues of population aging and the value of cross-national research;
4) To engage senior Asian policymakers and planners in dialogue on the above issues;
5) To explore the potential for national academies of science to promote these objectives.

Laishram Ladusingh and Andy Mason will be attending. Andy is presenting a paper co-authored with Ronald Lee titled "Population aging, intergenerational transfers, and economic growth: Asia in a global context". This same collection of Academies organized a related meeting in Beijing on December 9-10, 2010, at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where Ron presented a paper.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting

The 2011 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America will take place from March 31st to April 2nd in Washington, DC. The deadline for pre-registration is March 15. More information is available here.

Several NTA members will be presenting papers at the conference:
Manasi Bawdekar: Do urban children give time to their elderly parents? (To be presented by a colleague)
Fanny Kluge: The impact of population aging on fiscal policies in Germany
Ronald Lee: Economic consequences of the Baby Boom as it enters old age
Olanrewaju Olaniyan: Economic lifecycle and dependency: implications for human capital development and social policy in Nigeria (Co-authors: Adedoyin Soyibo, and Akanni Lawanson, University of Ibadan)
Miguel Sanchez-Romero: From Transfers to Capital: Analyzing the Spanish Demand for Wealth using NTA
Bernardo Lanza Queiroz: The Social Protection System for the Elderly in Brazil (Co-author Moema G. B. Figoli)

If you are attending PAA, please note that there will be an NTA members get-together in the evening of Thursday, March 31st. NTA will also have a booth at the exhibit this year. If you are willing to volunteer a couple of hours at the booth, please email Melinda.

Fourth European NTA Workshop

The European NTA team will have it's fourth workshop in Budapest, Hungary on May 13, 2011.

The workshop is aimed at increasing cooperation between the European NTA teams and sharing experiences. An important goal is to initiate research applications that can get funding at the European level. The first workshop took place in Rostock at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (which also funded the event) on February 25-26, 2010. The second workshop was held in connection with the Hawaii Meeting in June 2010, and a third workshop took place in Stockholm on October 29, 2010 financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (a Swedish research fund).



Changing patterns of intergenerational resource allocation in Finland
Marja Riihela, Risto Vaittinen and Reijo Vanne
Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports 2011:1. Access paper online

Generational transfers and population aging in Latin America
Luis Rosero-Bixby
Population and Development Review 37(suppl.): 143-57. 2011. Access paper online

Population aging and economic progress in Asia: A bumpy road ahead?
Andrew Mason and Sang Hyop Lee
AsiaPacific Issues, No. 99. Access paper online

Notas de Poblacion No. 90
A special edition of Notas de Poblacion featuring articles from various NTA authors. Available in Spanish only. Access publication online

Working Papers

Some economic consequences of global aging.
2010. Ronald Lee, Andrew Mason, and Daniel Cotlear. (WP10-010). Access paper online

Prospects for economic growth in Nigeria: A demographic perspective.
2010. David Bloom, Jocelyn Finlay, Salal Humair, Andrew Mason, Olanrewaju Olaniyan, Adedoyin Soyibo. (WP10-09). Access paper online

The structure of generational public transfer flows in Nigeria, 2004.
2010. Adedoyin Soyibo, Olanrewaju Olaniyan, and Akanni O. Lawanson. (WP10-08). Access paper online

Population and economic progress in Nigeria.
2010. Andrew Mason, Olanrewaju Olaniyan, and Adedoyin Soyibo. (WP10-07).
Access paper online

Access all NTA working papers online
Access published NTA papers online


Focus on...Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden

 The Institute for Futures Studies started to take a strong interest in the interaction of the population and the economy in 1999 when Lena Sommestad became director (later to become Minister of the Environment). When we heard about the NTA project, it was therefore very natural to join the effort.

 We started NTA work in 2005, funded by a series of grants from the Swedish Research Council. The beginning was slow (several of the researchers that started on the project got other positions), but when Daniel Hallberg joined the project in 2006 the work shaped up. We are now working on getting the time series of Swedish NTA 1985-2008 as consistent as possible.

 Through funding channelled by the European Science Foundation in 2010 the Institute has become the lead institution for coordinating European NTA work. Already three workshops have been conducted (Rostock, Honolulu, and Stockholm), and a fourth workshop will take place in Budapest on May 13th this year. The Institute is situated in central Stockholm making it easy to maintain contact with different public organizations. We also have frequent opportunities to hold seminars and inform the public and policymakers about the NTA work.

In the photos: Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup, Jovan Zamac, and Christer Rosen

Welcome to our newest members

. Michael Ralph M. Abrigo, Philippines
Philippine Institute for Development Studies
email: mmabrigo@gmail.com

. Javier Olivera, Peru
National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI)
and Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
email: Javier.Olivera@econ.kuleuven.be

. Rofilia Ramirez, Peru
National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI)
email: rofilia.ramirez@inei.gob.pe

. Dr. Jose Luis Robles, Peru
National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI)
email: jose.robles@inei.gob.pe



Jorge Bravo's wedding .

Mr. and Mrs. Bravo married on February 5th in Mill Valley, California. Congratulations Jorge and Kerri!


All newsletters are available on the NTA website. Click on the Publications link in the left menu.